My yoga-teacher training instructor, Jan Hauenstein, has this really cool set of cards by Mario Duguay. The cards are called Messages of Life and are kind of like inspirational fortune cookie messages. The instructions on the box read as follows: “Simply ask the universe to guide you to the card which is ideal for you at this moment. Your higher self will lead you to the perfect card to help you gain new insights.”

That was all I needed to hear, and I was ready to pick me one of those cards. I feel like a kid in a candy story every time Jan pulls out that purple box of cards. So, this past Saturday in class, I was thrilled that we got to pick a new card. Here is what mine said:


My projects become the perfect fulfillment of myself in harmony with the universe. I believe in myself and in my potential as a creator. I make my dreams come true. Thus, I fulfill myself through my daily actions, through unconditional love, faith, wisdom, and positive thinking. So be it.

Dang, this Mario dude was right. My higher self did lead me to the perfect card! It was just the message I needed to receive to gain new insights and positive affirmation for the creative direction my life and career are going in. I really do feel like I am on my way to making my dreams come true in finding fulfilling work that I love to do and to be able to share it with others. I need to remember daily to have faith in what I’m doing and to think positive thoughts and to do it all with love in my heart.

Are you fulfilled? Are you making your dreams come true? If you’re reading this, you can pretend you picked the fulfillment card too!

Photo: Linda Laserna